Requiem – Early A.M. feat. Abbey Rose

Northern Territory hip hop artist Requiem has a unique sound inspired by his tropical home in Australia’s north. Combining the head-nodding production of beatmaker Mdusu with Territory R&B singer Abbey Rose, Requiem has created a song for night owls with new single, Early A.M.


Respected Top End musician James Mangohig from Sietta recorded the track. The 27-year-old Darwin MC has proven himself on stage, opening for some of the country’s most well known acts, including Drapht, Seth Sentry, Illy, Horrorshow, Jackie Onassis, Chance Waters, Spit Syndicate and Jimblah.

Drawing from the time between midnight and sunrise Early A.M. builds with a blunted downtempo vibe, sounding something like A Tribe Called Quest would make if they survived a Darwin wet season. Requiem’s late night rhymes over jazz-tinged piano and catchy drums melt into Rose’s soulful vocals and DJ Kilo’s dusty record scratches, transporting the listener to the early hours of the morning.

After years in Melbourne surrounded by coffee and art, Requiem has embraced the relaxed atmosphere of his new humid home to develop a style all his own.

Early A.M. is available now for free download from

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